Layla has a passive ability called Malefic Gun, this weapon provides attack distance and additional damage based on the level it has.
When it reaches level 12, Layla attack distance will exceed the distance of the tower attack, making it easy to destroy the tower.
Melefic Gun (Passive)Basic attack and ability will inflict more damage on long distance type targets.
Malefic Bom
Bombfire's next energy shot will inflict 200 physical damage for the first attacked opponent
Void Projectile
Launches an explosive energy ball on the enemy's target leg, gives 170 physical damage to the target and the nearest enemy, also slows them 60 percent for 2 seconds. The distance of this capability will increase accordingly.
Destruction Rush
The shot from cannon will cause 500 physical damage to the enemy in front. Any increase in this skill will increase the attack distance by 0.4.
Item build
Tooth of GreedLifesteal can make Layla survive from attacks that hit it during war in the lane.
With the attack speed and speed of movement of this item can help Layla either in attack or avoid the opponent's attack.
Swift Boots
Just like Thors Sting, increase attack speed and speed of movement, very useful for hero marksman.
Malefic Roar
With the penetration power capability of this item, it allows Layla to penetrate armor as strong as steel owned by a tank type hero.
Magic Blade
It takes also an item to survive like this, it's useless to be able to absorb incoming attacks.
Scarlet Phantom
Layla will be able to attack very quickly. Make the enemy think twice to approach Layla. Even if you play correctly, Layla can kill his enemy before it can get close!