Skye build vainglory

Skye build vainglory

Skye is a hero in Vainglory which is quite difficult to play. But if you are used to and can control all his abilities, he will be very deadly. Skye can kill off enemy HP very quickly by combing all of its capabilities. The commonly used combo sequences are Death From Above, Forward Barrage, Suri Srike, then issue a Forward Barrage again.

To find out what build item will be used by hero Skye, just see the six items below.

  • Shatterglass
Skye can you put on the jungle, because he can finish off the forest creep very quickly using the ability of the Forward Barrage. With the Shatterglass item, you can kill forest creep more quickly using the Forward Barrage. It would be nice to buy at the beginning of the game.

  • Broken Myth
Skye has a pretty good mobility, because it has the ability called Suri Strike. The ability can be used to avoid while attacking the enemy. If played correctly, he will be hard to catch and killed by enemies. Therefore, the suitable item to use is Broken Myth. Because this item will get stronger if you can last longer when the battle is in progress.
  • Halcyon Chargers
This shoe is perfect for use by Skye, because it has a cooldown status and regenerative energy.
  • Eve of Harvest
This item will help you to recover HP when doing Skye's skill. As I said above, you can generate extraordinarily high damage as a Skye build CP hero. The higher damage you generate, the higher you will also absorb HP. Therefore, Eve of Harvest is an item you should have as a Skye build CP hero.
  • Defense Item
As usual, defense items can be customized to build enemies. If the enemy has a lot of build CP, you can buy items like Aegis or Crucible. But if the enemy has many WP build heroes, you can buy items like Metal Jacket or Atlas Pauldron. You can fill in the last two slots to buy two defense items at once.

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