Update!! 2 Deadly Card Combination to Make You Win in Clash Royale


As more and more people are downloading Clash Royale, automatic is also getting tougher competition between PvP players in this game. That's why it takes a very telling strategy to be successful on the leaderboard ladder, so without the need for another length, here are eight deadly card combinations to make you win in the Clash Royale arena.



With its name that looks like a nickname for Microsoft's game console, this deck is made to make room for the Epic card: X Bow to flatten the opponent's tower. Selection of the skull itself is not without reason. Via the cost of a cheap Elixir, aided by Witch range attacks plus his "cheap" Skeleton tricks, this deck can be a troublesome combination that keeps your opponents rush to release their Fireball.

Keep in mind that the purpose behind these cheap tricks is to allow time to set up the X Bow in order to immediately blast the left or right opponent's tower. Quite the difference in the destruction of an opponent tower, your victory is already in your hands.

The above cards will obviously require so much adjustment if you've entered Arena four. This is because the enemy could have saved a spell like Freeze, and a combination of Rage + P.E.K.K.A. Which decreases your chances of winning with this deck.



You may ask why should Tesla? Well, it's important enough for you to understand that Tesla is a fairly effective replacement for Canon used in Arena 4. With its underground structure, at least it avoids enemy spells when it is not attacking.

The function of this deck is actually to slip a Prince or set up Tesla at the forefront of the enemy. The existence of other units such as Minion Horde, Barbarian, and Mini P.E.K.K.A. Itself is your main capital to outwit your opponent.

In addition, Rocket can also you replace using a remote unit such as Archer or Goblin Spear to dispel an attacking opponent. If that is not enough, you can also replace it with Goblin Barrel to pay off damage to the enemy tower after being beaten by Prince and friends.