Base Town Hall 9 Best


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Healer can not last long if he is within reach of a single target defense or Air Defense, so make sure you upgrade and protect all types of air defense as much as possible. Put your Air Defense at the center of Base, it will prevent the opponents (like Giant) from reaching them easily. When Supercell released an update on the 24th of last 2015, all the airmines no longer work for Healer, which means you do not have to attempt to trap Healer with an air mine because it will have no effect. However, on the update of 25 August 2016, Healer can now trigger air mines. This is based on a combination of Bowler + Healer attacks that make them very powerful at destroying the base structure even for higher Town Hall levels.


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Air mine traps can not detect Minion, but Air Bomb can do it, and can kill the Minion group in an instant, like blowing dust. Minions do not have a preferred target when attacking, they will only attack the building closest to them. However, if after they realize the existence of enemy castle forces, Hero or Skeleton (trap skull), they will leave their previously targeted building and head towards enemy troops as a surrogate target. After all the enemy forces nearby are defeated, they will proceed to attack nearby buildings from their current location