Best Build Item Glaive

Glaive has a large enough attack ability and will certainly make it difficult for each opponent. Glaive hero type in Vainglory which is suitable for playing in the forest when early games to collect gold and buy weaponry. Here are some of Glaive's skills:


Glaive will come to the enemy location and give some damage. In addition the subsequent attack from Afterburn can push the enemy as far as 5.5 meters. This attack is suitable for banishing enemies who want to escape.

Twisted Stroke

By enabling this skill, Glaive will gain additional status to increase the chance of critical attacks and attacks from Glaive into an area attack.


Glaive will gain lifesteal ability and will attack with a spinning attack.

Build Item CP Glaive

If you want to use crystal items please note the build above as inputs that can make your attacks pain and spicy. In early games buy Crucible defense items that can help keep you and your friends away from block trigger triggers simultaneously. After that add Aftershock items to help the attack and this is very effective against opponents who have high kesehan.

Next give one more slot to use Clockwork that can accelerate the cooldown of all skills in order to quickly attack the opponent. Do not forget the cicil also Journey Boots shoes that can help you catch a lively opponent. To slow down your opponent from the chase and attack give Frosburn items, and lastly buy Broken Myth items on the last game that can help deal damage if your opponent is wearing a high shield.