Best build item Ruby mobile legend 1 hit

Best build item Ruby mobile legend

Ruby is a fighter hero whose ability fits perfectly into being a tanker hero and an initiator. Did not rule out her being a carry hero, but I recommend Ruby to build a tanker. Before entering the build item for him, I will explain all the abilities of Ruby first.


Let’s Dance

Within a short period after releasing a skill, Ruby can leap to another position. Jumping backwards will increase Ruby’s armor shortly (effects increase with level). Jumping forwards will allow Ruby’s skills to have slow-down effect in a short period. Ruby’s basic attacks cannot trigger lifesteal effect but all skills will inherit 100% of lifesteal effect. This gives her a good utility in game which can be used in both offense and defense. But most of the time, as you are using Ruby for sure it will be abused for offensive. Offense gives crowd control. Defense gives armor. What a perfect skill on every case you need to handle.

Don’t run, Wolf King

Wields the giant scythe to attack twice. Every attack deals 40 physical damage, stunning the enemy for 0.7 second and slowly pulling the enemy towards the hero. Deals additional 30% of damage to enemies in the outer ring. This skill gives crowd control that can cancel enemy’s ability. Because of pulling effect, this can be use as utility for your team to get item on setting up or disabling enemy. Make sure to unleash the 30% damage by intentionally making your enemies hit in the outer ring.

Be good

Slashes rapidly, dealing 50 physical damage to front target. Meanwhile launches a shockwave forwards, dealing 50 physical damage to the enemies it touches. Good damaging skill to work with your passive. This skill has fast cooldown so you can spam it and activate your passive.

I’m offended

Uses the scythe to attack horizontally in a wide range, dealing 205 physical damage to hit enemies, pulling them to the hero’s position and stunning them for 0.5 second. What makes this hero is her disable or pulling effects. On her ultimate it gives good damage towards enemies a disable of pulling them to your position.

Item Build

Dominance Ice

Best build item Ruby mobile legend

Ruby desperately needs an item that can give it a cooldown reduction as well as a maximum of mana. The matching item is none other than Dominance Ice. In addition to adding armor, he will also be able to slow down attack speed and enemy running speed.

Rapid Boots

Best build item Ruby mobile legend

You may also often ganking when using Ruby's hero. The exact item for this is Rapid Boots. This shoe item will increase the running speed higher than other shoe items

Blade of Despair

Best build item Ruby mobile legend

deals an extra 15% damage to an enemy in abnormal state (stunned, knocked airborne, transformed, disabled). As you can see most of her skill has disable and her passive actually slow down effect. To maximize your damage under this status, you can buy Blade of Despair that gives extra damage to CC’d enemies.

Berserker's Fury

Best build item Ruby mobile legend

Critical strikes will increase on’e physical attack by 5% lasting 2 seconds. It has damage you want to remain your threat in late game. I saw some players who get two Blade of Destruction to maximize critical strike well if you are going to build dual BoD make sure to understand that the passive will not effect twice in this case.

Bloodthirsty King

Best build item Ruby mobile legend

Items that can give HP regen very large, especially after successfully assist or kill the enemy hero. In addition, this item gives HP a very large maximum status too!

Malefic Roar

Best build item Ruby mobile legend

If they get threaten on the domination you are about to bring in late game with our perfect gear above and they build defense, get this item to tear them all.

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