Arranging defense is the most important thing, must be done so that your base strong. By setting the layout of your buildings will certainly make your base can not be destroyed easily. But sometimes gamers feel confused how to arrange the base, with the right location so that when the enemy attacks our defenses hard penetrated by the opponent.
In order for your defense is strong, there are several types of strategies that you can use to win the game. There are 3 types of strategies that exist in the Clash of Clan, among others:
In order for your defense is strong, there are several types of strategies that you can use to win the game. There are 3 types of strategies that exist in the Clash of Clan, among others:
- Farming
Layout Farming Town Hall 1
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- Trophy
Layout Trophy Town Hall 1
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- Hybrid
Layout Hybrid Town Hall 1
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Above are some possible strategies you can try, Of some base defense above which you think is best suited for use may be avoided from the enemy enemy.
See here Clash Of Clans Attack Strategy wins 85%