Main Priority Guide Upgrade Town Hall 7


The journey from Town Hall 6 to Town Hall 7 is one of the biggest upgrades in the Clash of Clans. The town Hall level provides many new towers and many other building upgrade opportunities. Things like this usually make the clashes confused and even so take the wrong step in upgrading which building should take precedence.

In this article will discuss which one should prioritize first and what should we focus first on maximizing the performance of the builder in Town Hall 7.

Main priority

  •  Laboratory > Spell Factory
Your first free builder should immediately be used to upgrade the Laboratory so you can immediately upgrade your other troops. Level 5 open laboratories at Town Hall 7 can give you the opportunity to upgrade almost same troops to level 4, and it is very important to increase your troop strength.
After finishing up the Laboratory, start upgrading Barbarian and Archer to level 4 as a top priority. Continue this builder's task to upgrade Spell Factory.

  • Army Camp > Barracks > Barracks Level 2 > Upgrade Army Camp

The addition of the new Army Camp in Town Hall 7 is the easiest key to increase your troop strength. Building Army Camp takes just a few minutes, proceed with building new Barracks and upgrading to level 2 so you can produce Barbarian and Archer faster.

After the level 2 Barrack is complete, immediately proceed with the new Army Camp upgrades to maximum so you can have great capacity since the start of your Town Hall 7 process.

  • Wall > Dark Elixir Storage

Before you start assigning the 3rd builder, leave it free so you can build all the new Wall available. You have to prepare enough gold because there are 50 new Wall at this Town Hall level.

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