The 5 Most Useful Mobile Legends Heroes

Mobile Legend is one action-based game that has dozens of heroes with different sekill and you can choose freely to compete between players. Of the dozens of heroes you can choose, there are some of the best heroes that have the ability to compete, attack skills and high-level techniques optimally in a team. Anything? Here's the review.

- Rafaela

Rafaela is one of the best support heroes that can be used to keep his allies for farming on the front line. His ability to add HP / Healing is able to keep allies alive, as well as multiple-target capabilities that can inflict damage on enemies. His passive ability called Heaven's Blessing is able to give slow motion effects if the enemy is hit by this. Rafaela is also able to provide an AOE type attack that can form a beam pointing forward and give stun and damage effect to the targeted area.

 -Heaven's Blessing
Provides damage to the opponent and gives a slow motion effect on the enemy for 2 seconds. Ablity recovery will provide ally speed for 1 second.
 -Light of Retribution 
Uses the Holy Light power which will give 220 pts of Magic Damage at 3 nearest opponents. 
 -Holy Healing
Raise Holy Light to recover 410 HP on Rafaela and dying ally.
Holy Baptism.Use Holy Light to give 750 pts Magic Damage and give stun effect for 2 seconds.

For best gear Here

- Gord 

Gord was born in the wizarding world, from his birth he was able to manipulate the magic energy. He loves the mystic magic art that is very powerful since childhood. Because he was very interested, he tried to master the magic-mystic magic. In adulthood, his power of magic is too borderless and to change the structure of his bones and body into a terrible figure.

You could say Gord is the strongest hero magician to date in Mobile Legends. It has three offensive skills that provide high damage and everything is AoE (Area of Effect) skill. Of all his abilities, he is very suitable to use for team fight and ganking. Although he is very weak in defense, with the right position, he can become a deadly hero!

 -Mystic Favor
 Each time an attack resulting from a skill will give an additional damage attack of 10%. Stack up to 10 times.
 -Mystic Projectile
Throws a magic ball to the target. Provide a magic attack to all enemies affected by this attack and slow. If the enemy is in the middle, give 30% damage bonus and stun.
 -Mystic Injunction
Magic a place to give magic damage every 0.3 seconds for some time.
 -Mystic Gus
Gorf emits direct movable rays, giving a massive magical attack every 0.4 seconds for some time.  

For best gear Here

- Yun Zhao

Yuan Zhao is one of the legend's mobile heroes inspired by the Samkok character. Yuan Zhao is famous for his excellent ability of ganking in a team work. Spear Flipnya ability to reverse the opponent to the rear to immediately attacked with ally team. Yuan Zhao is well suited to be paired with Franco & Nana.

 -Dragon Furry
Provides twice as much damage as physical damage every 6 seconds and reduces the cooldown time of 0.5 seconds for ability.

 -Spear Flip
Raises the opponent back and inflicts damage of 320 pts Pyshical Damage and can reduce the opponent's speed for 10 seconds.

 -Spear Strike 
Provide 300 pts Phsyical Damage and lower the target speed by 30%. 
 -Supreme Warrior
Increases movement speed by 30% and attack speed 45% and is immune from any effects given to enemies.   

Best gear Yun Zhao Here

- Moskov

Moskov is a hero carry that has a very high attack speed. He also has a lot of skills that benefit him to fight in the team. For maneuver, he also has a short teleportation capability, which can be used either to chase an enemy or escape. Unfortunately, Moskov's defense is very small, so it becomes the enemy's famine.

- Spear of Quiscence
Moskov's basic attack penetrates the target, about the enemy behind them with a bonus of damage. When the basic attack on the target, will reduce the cooldown of Abyss Walker and Spear of Death skills.
 - Abyss Walker 
Teleported to a short distance using the power of his shadow. After teleporting, his "penetration" ability and the speed of Moskov's attack will increase. The effect lasted 2 seconds.
- Spear of Death  Moskov attacks enemy Hero with full force, providing physical attacks that also bounce them backward. If the target Hero bounces about the other enemy Hero, both will get additional physical as well as "Stun." If the target bounces to an object, they will also get stun. When exposed to this attack, they also can not do "stealth."
- Spear of Destruction   Attacks using Spear of Destruction, giving a massive physical attack to all enemies in front of it. Any enemy affected by this attack will increase the Moskov attack. Effects can be stack up to 5 times, for 5 seconds.

 Best gear Moskov Here

- Natalia

Natalia is arguably the best Mobile Legends hero with her role as a carry. Natalia has a very strong passive ability, which is able to walk in the shadows as she hides in the bushes. When he disappears, his first blow will give the status of "silence." In addition, Natalia's attacks will be bigger when attacking from behind. At first glance he is similar to Riki from Dota 2.

With a combo skill that he has, of course Natalia could easily infiltrate and finish off his opponents. Here are some of the abilities he has:

 - Assassin Instinct
When doing an attack from behind will get a bonus damage of 20%. If Natalia is in the bush for 2 seconds without getting attacked or attacked, she will enter a Stealth mode that speeds up her movement. When out of the bushes, this mode lasts for 5 seconds. The next normal attack provides an additional 50% attack and gives the enemy silence status for 2 seconds.
Claw Dash 

Straight-ahead attacks provide physical damage to all the enemies it passes. If exposed to the enemy, this skill can be reused. 
- Smoke bomb 
Throw a smoke bomb that makes the area around full of smoke. The enemy who is in this smoke will be hit by slow. While Natalia is in smoke it increases attack speed and avoids all enemy attacks (not skill). 
- Cold blooded Strangling
Perform instant sequential attacks, give physical attacks and give 65% slow to the enemies affected by this attack.

Best gear Natalia Here

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