Tips play mobile legends bang bang win rate 90%

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Mobile phone legends are MOBA game that could be considered almost as much people know about this game, if you know about this game then you already know very well what dong bezel play this mobile legends. When ever you play Mobile tales you will certainly feel the excitement of working with the same team, fighting the enemy and also you learn to be patient in this game.

Since mobile gaming legends you may need patience in playing, which means you win the game you tens must be patient in leveling, what is the value of leveling it? I will discuss later in this article as well.

In Mobile tales you have to combat against the enemy team, the team contains 5 vs. 5 players. Gamer can choose a main character that will be preventing for, then you can certainly choose the skin before Cole also play.

In the game you have one goal, namely to destroy the base of the structure opponent, you will move the tower that sticks before entering the system center, therefore you have to destroy the tower system is gone before you your center of the tower in this way makes you a quick win.


Equipment are helping you obtain additional stat. Variations in equipment Mobile Legends very much with passive skills and unique that you can buy for your character Hero. Some equipment needed to add buff Assault Speed, Movement Speed, Harm Penetration, HP, etc. Customise your equipment with Good guy you make use of, for example, if the Role Hero you use is Tank then find equipment that gives to HP, Attack or Defense.  


Selection of talents is very convenient when the game will especially suit the needs heroes, skills has advantages and drawbacks as well. I presume any talents used for certain heroes, so not all talents will be useful for the same hero. For example marksman I always use my skills to use in in an attempt to make the move speed marksman I leaped quickly, because HP has a marksman's small so I feel that the right skills to move marksman is speed to keep watch when attacked

Monster Buff & Jungle 

Tend not to underestimate the monsters on the map. They show up not without reason. In addition to gold and XP is quite successful when you kill them, you can also get a Buff different. Pertaining to instance, a monster bugs in Top Lane (top) gives a buff Decrease Cooldown (reducing the time of the skill) and Reduce Cost Mana (which reduces the skill). The monsters in underneath Street (bottom) will provide fans Movement Speed (running speed) and additional Physical as well as Magic Damage.


Hero in they is very influential as well, because if you choose the first hero would be fatal lohhh. The team should incorporate containers, assassin, marksman, and mage I suggest that they should have 1 reservoir, 1 Assasins, 2 marksman, and 1 mage how powerful enough menumt me personally because firepower marksman enough pain and Assassins who have agility to go after the enemy.


See map more often will make us know where your friends who need help or who attacked the tower.

Destroy tower

Destroy the tower located in the folder before destroying the tower.
I suggest you better be united against the tower than individually, as if you yourself were easily defeated.
If the tower was destroyed in the map all the rest you have to destroy the tower center, I suggest you to kill the lord to help you attack the tower center quickly. Lord have Deff and HP large lord therefore can be used as a tank

Attack and retreat

When you attack the enemy (either hero or minion), try to always move back and forward and not stand still in one place. This is useful so you will not be an easy target for the enemy.

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