2 heroes of victorious mobile legends bang bang

Hero fighter is required to have great damage in Mobile Legends will be very important role of this fighter hero in the team. This hero fighter did a sudden gank against the enemy and initiated the war.

Fighter is very reliable to provide an impromptu attack area that destroys the opponent quickly. But it must be combined with the heroes tank that must always be the front to enliven the enemy attack, heros markmanpun must play a role in the team because the type of long-range attack.

A good fighter is able to do a quick start-up attack that startles the enemy and instantly targets the enemy he will kill first. Here are 2 heroes that are often used today.



This is the most frequently used heroes in the Mobile Legends team. Freya includes a balanced hero. Freya's attacks, defenses and jungles are at high numbers. In addition Freya's skill will make him much more powerful and increase attack speed. So the right combination of items will make Freya very hard to beat. Freya's total win rate is 54.78%.

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Alucard is also heroes most widely used by others in Mobile Legends. Karna Alucard has good skill and status as a fighter. Offense from Alucard is at number 87. It is also good for use as a hero jungle. Alucard also has the skill to jump directly to the enemy. This is an important thing as a fighter because it can attack directly to the opponent. Alucard's Lifesteal also makes him even harder to beat. Winrate from Alucard is 50.9%.

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