Beat heroes Franco mobile legends quickly


You must be confused how to defeat the heroes Tank Franco who menybalkan, recognize heroes Franco first. In fact Franco is not a pure heroes Tanker, but rather to disabler who doubles as an off-tank. Who acts as a crowd control, performs a quick gank to the opposing team, so the team can excel in team fight.

If you play DotA 2 heroes like Pudge the Butcher, Franco heroes have the first ability called Iron Hook. Which throws a hook from a distance to draw enemy heroes. It allowed the team to beat up the enemy Franco had captured.

Different from with Butcher Dota 2, this Franco does not have any skills that inflict damage on himself. For his first disable skill, the Fury Shock, which can tap the ground with legs, provides a slow effect for adjacent opponents. Skill that can be a very good combination with Iron Hook skill. From the combination of these two skills sure heroes hard enemies to survive.

From the ultimate ability, Franco has a capability called Brutal Massacre. This ability can give stun opponent effect for several seconds while giving some punches to heroes opponent. Usually, franco targets are the assassins or marksmans that are the carry on the team.

Franco's weakness

  • Can not escape well, so when exposed to the raid can only rely on Battle Spell Flicker.
  • Early in the game Franco did not have a strong attack. The main purpose is to hook the enemy, approach it and give the stun in a long duration.
  • Iron Hook skill includes a running projectile, so some heroes can avoid it.

The right Heroes to Beat Franco

Moskov : He has the ability to move in an instant (mini teleport), very well used to avoid Iron Hook. Because Moskov has high speed and every attack reduces his cooldown skill, Franco is unable to pursue his agility.

Lolita : Iron Hook from Franco is a running projectile, while Lolita's Protective Shield is able to ignore all projectile-based attacks. Yep, in other words, the iron hook from Franco would break if it was about Lolita's shield. In addition, Lolita could easily target Energy Rocket to Franco more easily because of his large body.

Natalia : One of Franco's fatal flaws is Natalia. He is invisible, so it is very easy to absorb Franco. In addition, Natalia's passive skills gave Silence to Franco. Both of these make Natalia easily kill the viking hero. However, Natalia will also lose if he was hit by Brutal Massacre first. 
