Tips Playing heroes Freya mobile legends savage


Freya is a premium heroes with role fighter in Mobile Legends can be very powerful. Heroes women who wear this shield can become heroes initiator and DPS is very great. Freya has good area skills from Wings of Faith and Valkyrie. Not to mention while in Valkyrie Mode, Freya gets an extra range of attack and makes her Godspeed Strike stun to the area in front of her in the final blow. One of the heroes with the highest winrate.

  • Build items

Karna Freya has a good basic attack with Godspeed Strike skill and Valkyrie. Not infrequently many players who make this heroes as a powerful DPS with a build item full damage. But, for beginners it does not change the gear scheme and follow the basic items. When looking at the recommended items it actually makes Freya focus build to the level of defense like Corrosion Scythe, Cursed Helmet. Most pro players will notice this and change the gear scheme with damage-enhancing items.

  • Positioning

Do not jump just when you see 3 enemy heroes from close, because it will impact the stance and die with no use. Relax do not be too hasty to use Wings of Faith when there are only 1 or 2 enemies. Must always remember to check minimap to ensure heroes appear safe to be killed without having to sacrifice lives, or wait in the bushes for continued initiation after the heroes tank on your team. Freya is good to initiate with a combination of Wings of Faith> Valkyrie> Godspeed Strike and disable all enemy heroes.
  • Lane

Freya has a very quick ability to finish off creep. Fixed buff creep quickly using Godspeed Strike at level 1 will make freya have a better level than enemy heroes. And, Do not just stay in the lane and wait for the minion to come instead of back and forth lane-forest. Though many pro players are back and forth lane-forest to get level faster and prepare to beat the enemy or push tower with Godspeed Strike-Valkyrie combination.

  • Last kill

First use Godspeed Strikes before jumping. So when he got to the location he stayed with Valkyrie and hit the enemy up to stun.

  • Team Fight

Do not just be in the lane that there are heroes alone, try not to kill alone it would be better if together with a team and wait for the right timing to get into the middle of the fight and finish off the most tender heroes like marksman or mage first.