3 Heroes Mobile Legends that should be banned On The Latest Patch


There are many other heroes that you should be banned in this fashion game !, 6 hero Mobile Legends are worth / should be banned on the latest patch Mobile Legends this time.

Here are the Mobile Legends heroes that should be banned on the last patch along with the reason.



Argus is one of heroes that is quite tiring and troublesome to kill. With all its attacking abilities, these heroes can inflict enormous and deadly damage at the same time. In addition, he also has the ability called Demonic Grip. The ability can be used to escape, so Argus is also a hero with a good defense mechanism.

If he can not die when activating his ultimate (Can not die for 5 seconds), then what happens if he becomes hero pusher? Regardless of his life, the heroes constantly attack your Tower and destroy it. Especially when he has the Arrival Battle Spell, with only 3 seconds, he can return to the base without fear of being killed by the enemy. Simply annoying is not it? That is why Argus is also a Mobile Legends hero that is worth to be banned on the Fashion Map. 



Aurora is one of the Mage heroes that has the greatest percentage for in-pick on the Fashion Mode. This is because, Aurora has the best crowd control ability of all existing Mage heroes. Not only that, he can also do a solo kill by bursting the enemy's Marksman damage using his combo. heroes is also one of the Mage heroes who can stop the agile hero movements like Chou, Fanny, Hayabusa, Harley, and so on.

In laning, Aurora is also a very strong heroes. Have the ability with cooldown is quite low. This allows you to spamming and harassing enemies on the lane.

After getting ultimate it, you can do ganking on the mid-lane opponent to kill the enemy Marksman. That's some of the reasons why Aurora including Mobile Legends hero who should be banned in the Fashion Mode



Karina in this latest patch is technically a little nerf. Yes, the buff jungle is what makes Karina a little nerf! Formerly, you can last longer on the lane if you get the blue buff from the jungle creep. Now, the buff jungle that kalain get is not as big as it used to be. This is because Karina is a hero of Assassin roles and is not a Mage (Buff Category).

Karina will experience a slight leak in terms of which she will use later in the game. But, Karina herself is a heroes worth being wary of! He has very high Burst damage. Even if it is close to full equip, he can kill Marksman enemy who has a full HP with a combo that he has!

Also do not forget, Karina is one of heroes that make IDONOTSLEEP team successfully won MSC 2017! That's some of the reasons that make Karina as one of the Mobile Legends hero is worth to be banned.