Lancelot heroes of type Assassin in Mobile Legends. This Heroes has 2 skins that you can use, skins named Perfumed Knight and Masked Knight.
Passive : Soul Cutter
Lancelot will issue a shadow that can reduce the enemy's defense every few seconds. Heros enemies will be locked with the skill and receive 20% more damage than Lancelot.
Skill 1: Puncture
Quickly heroes lancelot will come forward and give damage. When this skill is about the enemy, it will immediately be reusable.
Skill 2: Thorned Rose
The sword possessed by lancelot will attack certain heroes. Damage with this skill is quite high, and gives slow effects as much as 70%.
Ultimate: Phantom Execution
When activating this skill, Lancelot will move quickly ahead and generate high damage.