Best Build item Argus full damage mobile legends


Argus is the latest heroes of Mobile Legends that are fighter type. Heroes who have a frightening appearance like this dark knight turned out to be a demon.


Passive Warmonger Skill :

Generate damage that will increase the power of the demonic blade. If it is full of food the next basic attack of Argus will strike twice in a row.

Skill 1 Demonic Grip :

Argus will take out the hand that made him go to that place. This skill will give you physical damage. If there is an additional damage of 125/150/175/200/225/250 on the enemy there will be additional damage.

Skill 2 Meteoric Sword :

Argus will attack in front of him and produce 400-600 physical damage. This attack will also give a bloody effect to the enemy for 5 seconds. When in a bloody position, Argus will get additional movement speed.Ultimate Eternal Evil Skill:
When activating this skill, Argus will be immune to death for 5 seconds. 40% damage that leads to argus will turn into blood when the duration is complete.

 Build item Argus Mobile Legends

  • Scarlet Phantom (Attack)
  • Swift Boots (Movement)
  • Haas's Claws (Attack)
  • Berseker's Fury (Attack)
  • Deadly Blade (Attack)
  • Blade of Despair (Attack)
Spell Argus's recommendation is Retribution

As a fighter, Argus has a role to start the fight. Do not be afraid to get into a War. If blood is dying, immediately activate ultimate skill Eternal Evil. This skill will keep you immune for 5 seconds, and turn 40% of the attacks into blood.