Bane item build Mobile Legends

Bane is the only hero Mobile Legends that have the ability to attack an enemy tower. Ability Air Assault's Bane, who can attack the enemy Tower. With these capabilities, you can attack and destroy the enemy Tower with just seconds. Moreover, Bane also has the ability to very good to work with the team in the lane Rum and Crab Claw Cannon.


Shark Bite
Every 6 seconds, his weapon is infused with the power of the tides, and his next basic attack will increase in damage 60%-105% (affected by level) and deal splash damage to nearby enemies. (passive)

Crab Claw Cannon
Fires at specified target, dealing 300 physical damage. Enemies near the target will receive 50% splash damage. The targets damaged will have movement speed reduced by 60% and armor reduced 15% for 2 seconds.

Pulls out his beloved rum and shares with this teammates. Allied heroes near the rum will regen up to 500 Hp.

Air Assault
Summons a battleship to barrage the enemy from above. Attacks 2 enemies each time, dealing 115 physical damage. Deals 30% damage to defense turrets.

Item Build

Blade of the 7 Seas

These items can reduce the enemy's armor when you attack with basic attack. This indirectly helps your team to destroy the enemy quickly. This item is also very suitable for a hero who is not a hero but a hero support hitters like Bane.

Magic Shoes

You need to improve your movement as soon as possible as she is low in mobility.

Athena's Shield

every 30 seconds get one shield that can absorb 450-1150 damage.


Items on your next Bane Mobile Legends is Oracle. Defense items as well have the effect of reducing the cooldown on his status. In addition, this item has HP regen effect is very good. It can be useful for a hero in Bane last longer in the lane and also perform duties as a pusher

Dominance Ice 

Lowers movement speed by 5% and attack speed by 30% for nearby enemy heroes. With additional mana, you can spam your rum for team sustain.

Corrosion Scythe

When the fight between the teams, your job is to reduce their armor and also slow down the road enemies so they can not escape. The item is suitable for it is the Ice Force. In addition, these items can add up to your phone to be able to last longer during the fight.

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