Hero marksman this one has a balanced ability in terms of damage and defense mechanisms. Although it is a hero marksman, it also features the ability to strike at close range using a sword as well. Curious about this one hero? First of all consider what capabilities Yi Sun-shin has.
Heavenly Vow (Passive)Yi chooses his longbow or glaive to attack according to the distance between him and the target. Using skills or the glaive to attack will impose the bleeding effect on the enemies, injuring them (dealing true damage to moving enemies) and slowing them down. A naval fleet will be summoned to the allied base, increasing 100 pts of HP for the base. The hero can board the turtle ship beside the base periodically and get buffs.
One-wave Sweep
Wields the glaive and slashes forwards while jumping backwards, dealing physical damage to enemies along the way and lowering their movement speed. When Yi is on the Turtle Ship, the ship will dash towards the target, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it collides with and other nearby enemies and stunning them.
Blood Floods
Shoots a piercing arrow with full strength, dealing physical damage to enemies. The arrow’s attack range will enlarge with the time of powering up. Fully powered-up arrow will impose two layers of bleeding effect on the enemy. Prioritize leveling up this skill as this will be your bread-and-butter.
Mountain Shocker
Orders the naval fleet to launch three-wave attacks of fire arrows. Each wave of attack will deal physical damage. If there are enemy units within the base area, the effect of self-defense will be triggered, strafing forward area of the base with a cloud of arrows.
Item Build
Berserker's Fury
This item will help you speed up farming in lane and forest. By using this item, your DPS will increase drastically! You can kill forest creep very quickly. You can also purchase derivative items from jungle items first, to further accelerate farming in the forest as well as on the lane.
Swift Boots
15% attack speed / +40 movement speed.
Heas's Claws
Games without a defense item will force you to buy this one item. This is very important because the effect of this item will keep you alive and last longer than the enemy attack.
Blade of Despair
deals an extra 15% damage to an enemy in abnormal state (stunned, knocked airborne, transformed, disabled).
Malefic Roar
Get it if you are against several tanks else go for Malefic Roar.
After every 5 basic attacks, the next basic attack will deal 125 magic damage to 3 enemies. / Every time the lightning is cast, your movement speed will be raised by 10% for a short duration.
Games without a defense item will force you to buy this one item. This is very important because the effect of this item will keep you alive and last longer than the enemy attack.
Blade of Despair
deals an extra 15% damage to an enemy in abnormal state (stunned, knocked airborne, transformed, disabled).
Malefic Roar
Get it if you are against several tanks else go for Malefic Roar.
After every 5 basic attacks, the next basic attack will deal 125 magic damage to 3 enemies. / Every time the lightning is cast, your movement speed will be raised by 10% for a short duration.