Best Heroes Mobile Legends on Match Up

Mobile Legends is very active in providing new heroes in Mobile Legends. These additions make the greatest move of Mobile Legends's hero level. Some are filled with new heroes who have strong ability, there are also old heroes that still survive, and some even have to get knocked out because of nerf terrific.



Karina has a very strong individual skill to defeat the enemy heroes. Heroes designed to kill enemy heroes quickly using magic. After successfully killing the enemy, Shadow Rush skills that he had can be reused.

Karina also has weakness she can not give high damage to heroes opposite Tanker which have physical protector. Karina's skill is a magic attack. However, if you do not wear physical pelinding from a combination of assassin and mage this will of course make the enemy Tankers overwhelmed.

Not only Tanker, this type of magic attack is very easy to rip defense Fighter, Marksman, to Support. After heroes team is fighting, then Karina will appear as a slayer who can kill all heroes opponent. Penta Kill can easily you can.

Karina also has the ability to survive from enemy attack that is Elusivness. This ability can be used to escape or pursue the enemy, depending on the situation he faced. Karina also includes a very slick hero to be caught for having this annoying ability.



Heroes Marksman and figther Roger. Which has six different active skills that can be used to defend and attack. Not only that, Roger Heroes also has the ability to slaughter the enemy heroes quickly. When he became a human, Roger could give slow periodically, while when a werewolf, able to hunt prey with the speed of movement that he had.

Roger is arguably heroes who have complete skills. As a werewolf, Roger can detect all the wounded enemies who try to avoid him. Even able to detect enemies hiding behind bushes or using the ability to disappear.

Not only that, Roger in the werewolf form can also reduce the cooldown results from his first skill when it has killed the enemy heroes. Not much different with Karina, heroes who have the skill many times to finish off the enemy heroes though strong. With a small Hp owned heroes this roger attack enemy must be very powerful.

Almost arguably, Roger is a hero who is able to manipulate movements. Able to adjust the condition of the team and the situation that happened to him. Nonetheless, it is also a hero capable of individual hunting.



Heroes mage Eudora has high damage power of type magic. Have a combo skill, which can kill one heroes enemy who already has a full equip though. Usually this Eudora finish off heroes carry and tank, making it easier for team leveling enemy.

Eudora itself is capable of killing one heroes versus having a crowd control. It is not appropriate for a team to wear Vexana heroes and eudora because basically a team needs only one mage.

Eudora also has the ability to survive the Electric Arrow that gives stun to heroes enemy. This skill can also be used for ganking, so Eudora is a flexible mage. And Eudora is a hero that can only be bought for 2 thousand BP